الأربعاء، 10 أغسطس 2016

Mikrotik reboot alert with false detection checks

# Mikrotik reboot alert / UPTIME CHECK SCRIPT, with prevention of sending FALSE ALARM with optional Email and SMS Alert
# We are using local KANNEL as SMS gateway and GMAIL as mail relay server
# By Syed Jahanzaib
# Email : aacable at hotmail dot com
# Script Last Modified : 20th-JUL-2016 / 1100 Hours
# Get Uptime
:local UPTIME [/system resource get uptime]
# Set UPTIME Limit
:local UPTIMELIMIT "00:05:00"
:local date;
:local time;
:set date [/system clock get date];
:set time [/system clock get time];
# if uptime is less then uptime limit threshold value, then consider router is actually rebooted, and take action / zaib
:log error "ALERT: Router was rebooted just before $UPTIMELIMIT Minutes therefore sending Reboot SMS / Email Alert";
# Sleep , this is added so that RB and the KANNEL services may start properly / zaib
:delay 180s
# GMAIL Setup
:local gmailid "YOUR-GMAIL-ID@gmail.com"
:global gmailsmtp
:set gmailsmtp [:resolve "smtp.gmail.com"];
# KANNEL SMS Configuration
#If you dont have kannel sms gateway ignore this.
:local KURL ""
:local KID "kannel"
:local KPASS "kannelpassword"
#Mobile numbers of Admin
:local cell1 "03333021909"
:local cell2 "0333xxxxxxx"
:global WAN1IP
:global WAN2IP
# in this RB,we have two pppoe-outx wan dialers, Check if dialer is present and connected,
# this check is added because if dialer is not connected script was terminating, so this check is added now
if ([/interface get pppoe-out1 disabled] = yes) do={ :log error "pppoe-out1 Interface disabled" }\
else={[:global WAN1IP [/ip address get [find where interface=pppoe-out1] address];]}
if ([/interface get pppoe-out2 disabled] = yes) do={ :log error "pppoe-out2 Interface disabled" }\
else={[:global WAN2IP [/ip address get [find where interface=pppoe-out2] address];]}
# email recipients, Set your email where you want to receive the alert
:local mailsendto
:set mailsendto aacableAThotmailDOTcom
:local mailsendto2
:set mailsendto2 secondadmin@gmailDOTcom
# Set Email Subject
:local es "$[/system identity get name] $[/system clock get date] $[/system clock get time] $COMPANY MIKROTIK got rebooted ! new ips $WAN1IP $WAN2IP and Uptime is $UPTIME"
# Set Email Body
:local eb "$[/system identity get name] $[/system clock get date] $[/system clock get time] $COMPANY MIKROTIK got rebooted ! \nNew ip address are \n WAN1IP = $WAN1IP \n WAN2IP = $WAN2IP \n\n Current Uptime is $UPTIME \n\n This script is powered by SYED JAHANZAIB !"
# Finally send email to both amind email addresses
/tool e-mail send to=$mailsendto subject=$es start-tls=yes body=$eb password=$GMAILPASS
/tool e-mail send to=$mailsendto2 subject=$es body=$eb start-tls=yes password=$GMAILPASS
:log warning "Email Done! for REBOOT ..."
# Send SMS using local KANNEL sms gateway
/tool fetch url="http://$KHOST:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms\?username=$KID&password=$KPASS&to=$cell1+$cell2&text=$COMPANY+MIKROTIK+Router+was+rebooted+and+now+restored+at+$date+$time+and+new+ips+are+$WAN1IP+$WAN2IP+++++++[$COMPANY+Pvt+Ltd]"
# if uptime is above then uptime limit threshold value, then no need to send SMS, this is to prevent false alarm.
} else={
:log error "System is above then $UPTIMELIMIT, so no need to send reboot sms/email alert!"
# Script , Ends Here
# Syed Jahanzaib
# aacable [at] hotmail.com

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