Limiting / Limit Bandwidth on Mikrotik Hotspot is very necessary. Considering Wireless Hotspot can be accessed by anyone who has access rights, so in order to promote justice and prosperity prevalent in all the hotspot user is required Hotspot Mikrotik Bandwidth Limitations.
Bandwidth Limitation Methods Mikrotik Hotspot :
– Built-in limiter is Hotspot Mikrotik Bandwidth Limit method which uses rate-limit parameters in server-profile for limit total traffic on the network hotspot whereas if you want limit per user can use the rate-limit on user-profile. Built-in Limitation done automatically and easily but do not permit the implementation of HTB.
– Custom limitation is Hotspot Mikrotik Bandwidth Limit method using a parameter-packet-mark Incoming and outgoing packets-mark on the user-profile. By using the Custom Limitation HTB you can implement and carry out the limitations based on criteria more diverse connections.
How to Restrict / Limit Bandwidth Users Hotspot Mikrotik using the built-in limiter:
Rate Limit on a Hotspot Server Profile

Usage Rate Limit at this hotspot server profile, it will automatically limit the total traffic on the network Hotspot Mikrotik. In the picture above, the magnitude of rate limit set on the hotspot network is equal to 2M / 2M, which means a total of 2 Mbps for upload traffic and total traffic of 2 Mbps for download on the hotspot network. Please note that by using this method the user is in bypass via IP Binding Hotspot .
Rate Limit on Hotspot User Profile
Rate Limit the use of the hotspot user profile, it will automatically limit the total traffic that can be achieved by each client hotspots that are in one group. Client hotspot connected in a network hotspot, get the total traffic that can be achieved is 512 kbps for downloading and 512 kbps for upload.

How to Restrict / Limit Bandwidth Hotspot Mikrotik using Custom User Limitation:
Parameter Incoming and Outgoing Packet Packet Mark Mark is defined to make a designation (marking) traffic from the user in the group. Incoming Packet Mark perform marking upload traffic and marking Outgoing Packet Mark did download traffic.

Firewall mangle will be created automatically and dynamically, where in charge of marking packet traffic from the client who entered in the group (profile). Dynamic Marking is done in chain Hotspot.

Addition Rule Jump from Built-in Chain to chain hotspot is required so that traffic from the user can be read in the firewall.
/ ip firewall mangle add chain = prerouting action = jump jump-target = hotspot
/ ip firewall mangle add chain = postrouting action = jump jump-target = hotspot
If we assume the network used is NAT network. Mark-Connection should be made based on dynamic packet mark of the profile or on the chain hotspot.
/ Ip firewall mangle add chain = prerouting action = mark-connection new-connection-mark = koneksi_hotspot passthrough = yes packetmark = HS1-in
Furthermore, Mark-Packet can be made so that it can be implemented or limit traffic.
/ ip firewall mangle add chain = prerouting action = mark-packet-mark = paket_hotspot newpacket passthrough = no connectionmark = koneksi_hotspot
/ ip firewall mangle add chain = postrouting action = mark-packet-mark = paket_hotspot newpacket passthrough = no connectionmark = koneksi_hotspot

Once the packet of traffic group1 mark has been made then the bandwidth limitation can be made in the Queue.
Setting the Queue Tree
Creating Traffic Download Queue Tree for global, we demonstrated using Max Limit 2 Mb.

Then make her special Queue Tree derivative for download via Hotspot Limit At Max Limit 1 Mb and 2Mb.

Create Queue Tree similar to its upload traffic, so that it becomes like the following picture:

Furthermore Queue Tree Hotspot Mikrotik can we develop to create more complex bandwidth
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